Sunday, March 10, 2013

In the Portuguese Colonial period, Negros and attractive colored women were finally accepted in society. Ewbank claims that colored women that were attractive had a bigger role in society than the Negros. Women were allowed to marry a white man. Other were first president of the providence. The Mulattos as they refer were people of mix race this made them superior because they were slightly much lighter than a African decent. Africans were the most dominant race they were populating in large amounts this bought economical benefits to the country in between bias opinions soon Africans would emerge throughout the world. Two continents both divided by racism and social structure that led inequality to African slaves. In the other side of the world in the United States, slaves were bought and sold against there own will. They mistreated and humiliated unfairly millions of slaves were bought for hard labor such as agriculture and personal possession. Slavery was not only a moral issue, but it also affected the nation on an economical and social way. Morally southerners questioned the ability of the African to be independent. Socially slaves were standing up in creating a revolt against masters. The hate in the south and North emerged when both sides of the country had different points about American slavery. In the north they were more liberal and realize that the sell of Africans was just wrong. Southerners ignored the human cost of slavery and only based to remain on their social system and commodities. It later on affected and caused economical issues unlike this two different countries, Africans were more than capable to deserve a life of liberty and prosperity in the new world. Today we have black doctors, philosophers and our president of the United States.

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