Tuesday, March 5, 2013

diagnostic :

Leticia Torralba Diagnostic Response: Double Conciousness Throughout United States History, African was bought to numerous rich countries such as England, France and the United States. Only one purpose to deprive them from human rights, stimulate their economy and increase their social status. Africans were punished and severely beaten against their own will. Soon American History would know that Africans were bought to America and soon have philosophers such as W.E.B DU Bois African Americans were called “Negros” they were brought from Africa by sailors who would later sell them in public for gold. African was bought to homes to serve the masters. Women slaves would work inside the house to eat and cook. Men slaves would work outside the farm numerous hours in the hot sun. African slaves were refer to as the bad seed, for there complexion and not having a culture In the passage, “Double Consciousness” it explains that Africans had a double meaning and not as how they were preserve. Africans were capable to serve to a country that wasn’t theirs but that they were slowly adapting as to their second home. It would matter if Africans didn’t share the same skin complexions African were capable to succeed as any human been. “He would not bleach his negro soul in a flood of white Americanism, for he knows that Negro blood has a message for the world “This quote is significant because African was describe as the bad one, they didn’t have a purpose in life the outcast to others. Soon the world would know that Africans had a purpose to this world to teach others about strength and perseverance, show others that they could be a brother hood to American society to join forces to make America powerful .

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