Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Drug War
Throughout the United States, the percentage of Americans who are involved in drug crimes are very high through the years. According to An Analysis of National Data studies have showed that more of 4 in 10 convicted murders are do to the high abuse of alcohol. This fact allows us to understand that people living in the United States have a serious problem of addictions. This addictions to drugs and alcohol affect people’s minds and also emotionally when coming this murder crimes. Other studies show that the white population living in the United States has the higher percentage of 72% committing drug abuse than the minority. In my view It’s astonishing that the white population fits in this category and they don’t do anything to change this, just
Other racial groups like, Blacks with 15% and Hispanics with10% according to The Administration of substance abuse. In the other hand in the prison system Blacks and Hispanics have the highest percentage and risk of incarceration. Do to my understandings minority groups in the United States have a higher risks in being in prison for the rest of their lives. In the other hand the highest percentage of drug substances are the white population . So then why only the minorities are summon to imprisonment do to their ethnical backgrounds and neighborhoods instead? When walking to the streets of Harlem you can literally count the amount of police walking in the streets. Do to the law system in the United States the target is the poor. In order to clear crime they impression the minority for convenience and power
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
To the upcoming students of LaGuardia Community College. I will be sharing my own experiences as student, and how responsibility and stress plays a big role in your academics. As of now this is my first year in LaGuardia I have to say it has been a really hard task to be a full time student and multitask as a part time employee. Let’s face it, we all want to have some money in our pocket but we have to take in consideration that we don’t want to past the rest of our lives working at a job you would be miserable and get pay minimum wage? Of course not we have to step ahead and think of our future and what we want to become. Going to school is very stressful waking up early for a morning class makes me feel lazy, having papers due for a class sometimes gives me a headache. We have to learn how to organize between school work and work. Sacrifices that cost you not to hang out with friends, give away working shifts in order to do my assignments. Trust me that the sacrifice that you do know will later pay off. My parents are my big motivation in life. My parents migrated to the United States about 20 years ago it hurts me to say that my dad has been working ever since a young boy and hasn’t stop working ever since. He’s inspires me to keep going and to believe in myself. If you like procrastinating it will strongly affect your academic grades. Get something to inspire you and to keep you going with your goals . It is important that as a student you set the right foot for success.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
In the book Racial Formation we have discuss various keyword throughout the passages of the text. The keyword that a classmate and I had to define was “Black Power” the context of the black power during the 1960 was an organization that was form by only African American to unite people of their ethnical background to fight and protest against government issues. Black activist demanded their own race they wanted to set aside from the all-white thinking’s that had flooded the United States government. They denied assimilating in a society that was being run into white hands. I would connect the “Black Power” to The Untouchables when ghandi described Bakha that being Untouchable didn’t make him any different. Instead he needed to learn who he was as a person to find his iner self. Racial formation has form a history of people according to culture and race creating racial categories for race to have meaning and identify to other people by race.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
In my current assignment for anthropology our paper has to include how the concept of race are created and changed in our present day life. In my paper I will include certain articles that demonstrates the different ideologies they had towards the classification of race according to different colonization. For example ill include the article Colour As A Symbol Of Social Status. This article talks about the Cuban society and the use of the Spanish concept of purity of blood. The ideology of Spanish colonizers to Cuba was that in order to become white was through the purity of blood and not by the physical appearance. This mean that interracial marriages were provided does to the mixing of color. These similarities reflect on the books we have read also in our English class, in book the Untouchable in India empowered by the ideologies of British colonization’s and their social structures that divided people by the complexion of their skin which in this case it was the opposite in Cuba. I hope that in my essay I can support my arguments and show the differences and similarities between the articles we read in anthropology.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
summay( topic sentences)
In the novel Untouchables by Mulk Raj Anand describes the story of a young man named Bakha. Bakha is living in India and its part of an outcast called the untouchables. Bakha feels apartheid from the rest of society he feels a desperation in belonging in a cast system that treats him unfairly calling nasty slurs, “Your polluted”. Bakha feels ashamed of what his life has become he knows that everywhere he goes he is going to be treated this way because he is an untouchable and because the way he is dressing which plays a big role of what caste system he belongs . Bakha hold blame for example the little boy who got hurt while playing the mother hold blame on Bakha with any justification that’s what he really feels inside, he feels weak and there’s no way in defending himself . He’s a young man who cleans latrines and the fact that he has to past his whole life serving others he feels a shame. Being an outcast came with a baggage and he has to live with that for the rest of his life. Bakha wishes to become an Englishmen , he’s fascinated by the way there fashion and the way they carry them self in society . He wishes one day he would become them .The experiences of Bakha within his cast has though him many lessons he understand what he’s position is in society. He also accepts it he understands that his paradigms is socially and biologically inferior. He is in a caste system based on religion and labor.
1. The novel Untouchable narrates colonial Indian racial formation in the 1930 by showing us that the cast system was a method in which it bought inequality affecting mentally and physically to intouchables.
2. Based on Bakha behavior , we learned that he has no sense of happiness, he is living in a paradigm in which he accepts he is an untouchable but denies being one personally.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
blog 4 (race & culture
Now that I’m halfway through the semester, it has been a wonderful experience to take a cluster involving Race and Culture. This liberal arts cluster includes English, sociology and anthropology. My connections throughout the various classes I’m taking, is about the human interactions either to society or as a person. I used to consider race specifically as a country. I’ve never learned beyond the differences between race and ethnicity. On my personal view I’ve learned that race doesn’t exist even though in Slave and Citizen by Frank Tannenbaum the society considered race to be a very moral importance through society and that the ideal dominant color was set to be white. In our Anthropology class race does not exist ethnicity is only based from cultural backgrounds, what we believe and do in our daily lives. This had really changed the way I think because according to my anthropology teachers we have African backgrounds and the ideology of the mestizos. We should think twice in responding when someone asks what is your race?
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
According to the article, BAMN is an immigrant rights organization in defending civil rights movements and the struggles that many colored people face in the United States. There point on this organization is to support the “immigration Reform” in order for millions of undocumented immigrant living in the United States share the same rights as any other citizen of this country. Their demand is for immigrants be granted citizenship with no fines and be allowed to work and go to school. Such as the “dreamers” a young organization of immigrants who were raised in the U.S but born in a different country who’s intense protest and faith in gaining working papers to work in this country. This shows the importance of immigrant in this country who wants to succeed and live that American Dream
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Islamic hate crimes
This chart describes the hate crimes towards the Islamic community in the United States in the last fourteen teen years. The graphs show the melting pot in 2001 covered in black, which was the highest rate of Islamic hate crimes in history. There were 481 cases of hate crime in the U.S In my conclusion I believe the hate crime raised its highest in 2001 just because the fall of the twin towers in New York City was an essential historic period in which the United States enforced more security in streets and subways. Later the United States held sort of responsible all the Islamic community living in the city. White Citizens primordially contained a bias thinking towards the Islamic as terrorist and not as equal. Any Hispanic or black looking Islamic was searched unfairly without any justifications. Our hate crime in the United States are very common in our society, we get picked on and later treated like a criminal without proving innocence. Paying high prices by others actions it’s unfair.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
In response to Nadira's Perez( blog)..
In response to my classmate Nadira Perez blog, she mentions that racism is a popular cause that we as society has abolish and keep away knowing it exist among us. Our society faces through hard struggles of racism and racial profiling. Living in a city like New York City we experiences millions of people of racial ethnicity walking to the busy streets of New York. She mentions Tannenbaum’s book Slave and Citizen the title of this book made sure to separate and distinct whites from blacks. Black slaves were minority much less than a human. Who were citizens? White men? Why would white men be granted that wish of liberty and social life why wouldn’t a slave be granted this wish to? Even though in our generation slavery doesn’t exist and we don’t have a racial hierarchal structure. We still struggle from predigest toward society. “I acknowledge a stereotype is foundation of people’s minds” (Perez). I agree with Nadira’s quote because even though the slave trade era is over, we still face discrimination toward other people culture in the other hand society has blinded us by keeping away in secret stereotypes, is no surprise that everywhere we go there’s someone talking about how other look and talk. I’m an example of racial stereotypes and culture my parents are Mexicans once people hear that they rapidly believe I’m “immigrant “ and hoped the boarder from the U.S. This shows the lack of ignorance some people have towards others. I believe that we live in a cold world of prejudices even though we might not see it still exist among us.
Monday, March 18, 2013
"Biological Type"
In todays class we discus about the book Slave and Citizen from Frank Tannenbaum’s. One of Tannenbaum’s arguments was the new “ biological type” in other words the mixture of races. In Brazil it was getting common to see mix races emerged through society and accepted by society as Mulattos. From the Portugal colony to the European- Anglo they kept a moral stability from right and wrong. They used slaves for economical growth and because it was essential to their religious ways. Slaves were people and they had rights as any other human being. In American it was the opposite slaves had no rights what so ever they weren’t treated as humans and there moral ways were completely different. One of Tannenbaum’s arguments is that the only way that the slave trade would end was in hands of white men only if agreed. Why would white men abuse its power towards black men? When we are all human procreations? . Tannenbaum’s explains that the “biological type” was the mixture of race that was slowly building up in the South. It seems that for him it was a good idea .White men would have mistresses to later procreate children and masters would have power over that child. “A girl of seventeen that has giving birth two children were called good breeder” (Tannenbaum82). Black slaves that would procreate children would triple their prices in the slave market also benefiting the slave master of course because later that child would work for him. I can’t imagine any women of my age having children every now and then. Slave women were forced against there own will with white men conditions.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
sslave and Citizen Claims
Tannenbaum’s argument in Slave and Citizen is that the mentally of white men was still in the past. They would never accept a black African American as free men. On the other hand, he argues that the slavery of the new world was totally different than the United States Slavery . In Portuguese Colonial period was lesser rules to slaves the other hand he argues that the constribution of the black slave was helpful to the human society. The slavery in countries like Portuguese. Spain and Cuba there rules toward slavery weren’t as rigid as the united states . the united states way of thinking was that slavery was a social commodity of social and economical power .In tannebaum’S book of Slave and citizen he argues that the hands of slave men were the primary reason of growth to rural cities and agriculture.
Leticia Torralba
Tweet Response :
Throughout my years in school, when we talked about African Slavery it would always be the same story. We would always discuss how African came to the united states against their own will. Many wouldn’t survive because of the brutal conditions they were taken. They were catch and later taken to ships and when they arrive to the new world they were sold . According to one of my classmates tweet Jonathan Andrade, everything that were learned throughout the years was not compared to what we are learning. It’s fascinating because were were blinded to the truth . slavery was world wide fenomenom.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
In the Portuguese Colonial period, Negros and attractive colored women were finally accepted in society. Ewbank claims that colored women that were attractive had a bigger role in society than the Negros. Women were allowed to marry a white man. Other were first president of the providence. The Mulattos as they refer were people of mix race this made them superior because they were slightly much lighter than a African decent. Africans were the most dominant race they were populating in large amounts this bought economical benefits to the country in between bias opinions soon Africans would emerge throughout the world. Two continents both divided by racism and social structure that led inequality to African slaves.
In the other side of the world in the United States, slaves were bought and sold against there own will. They mistreated and humiliated unfairly millions of slaves were bought for hard labor such as agriculture and personal possession. Slavery was not only a moral issue, but it also affected the nation on an economical and social way. Morally southerners questioned the ability of the African to be independent. Socially slaves were standing up in creating a revolt against masters. The hate in the south and North emerged when both sides of the country had different points about American slavery. In the north they were more liberal and realize that the sell of Africans was just wrong. Southerners ignored the human cost of slavery and only based to remain on their social system and commodities. It later on affected and caused economical issues unlike this two different countries, Africans were more than capable to deserve a life of liberty and prosperity in the new world. Today we have black doctors, philosophers and our president of the United States.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
diagnostic :
Leticia Torralba
Diagnostic Response: Double Conciousness
Throughout United States History, African was bought to numerous rich countries such as England, France and the United States. Only one purpose to deprive them from human rights, stimulate their economy and increase their social status. Africans were punished and severely beaten against their own will. Soon American History would know that Africans were bought to America and soon have philosophers such as W.E.B DU Bois
African Americans were called “Negros” they were brought from Africa by sailors who would later sell them in public for gold. African was bought to homes to serve the masters. Women slaves would work inside the house to eat and cook. Men slaves would work outside the farm numerous hours in the hot sun. African slaves were refer to as the bad seed, for there complexion and not having a culture
In the passage, “Double Consciousness” it explains that Africans had a double meaning and not as how they were preserve. Africans were capable to serve to a country that wasn’t theirs but that they were slowly adapting as to their second home. It would matter if Africans didn’t share the same skin complexions African were capable to succeed as any human been. “He would not bleach his negro soul in a flood of white Americanism, for he knows that Negro blood has a message for the world “This quote is significant because African was describe as the bad one, they didn’t have a purpose in life the outcast to others. Soon the world would know that Africans had a purpose to this world to teach others about strength and perseverance, show others that they could be a brother hood to American society to join forces to make America powerful .
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